I do a lot of research about traveling with kids. Why would I do that if I don’t actually have any? Because someday I will and I want to be prepared. I don’t want to be one of those people who constantly leaves their kids home when they go on trips.
I also don’t want to be the person who never travels and uses having kids as an excuse. I love traveling and I want my kids to have amazing travel experiences while they’re young. Seeing the world, learning about different cultures, and having an open mind are things that are incredibly important to me. Gone are the days of having to travel and get it out of your system before you settle down and have kids. I mean, sometimes a trip with just your spouse or some friends is GREAT but take the kids and do something fun once in a while!
Because I only ever travel with kids when I am taking a niece or nephew to Disneyland I knew I couldn’t write this post on my own. I don’t have enough experience. Instead, I’m sharing some of my favorite posts from other bloggers who travel with their kids. I hope this collection inspires you to take the leap and have an adventure with your family!
Check out some packing tips for your kids! These moms are nailing it!
The Soccer Mom Blog’s 10 Brilliantly Simple Packing Hacks For Traveling With Kids
Mother’s Niche’s 10 Packing Tips For Traveling With Kids
Entertaining kids at home can be hard enough. But on a plane, train, or automobile? You better check out these tips:
Airplane Activities For Kids by Frugal Coupon Living
This awesome FREE printable activity pack from Tot Schooling
50+ Ways to Occupy A Toddler on an Airplane from Our Next Adventure
Hotel Hacks:
Hotels can hard with kids. They aren’t in their normal environment, they have to be quiet and not bother the neighbors, etc. Here are some helpful hacks:
Backwards In High Heels has 10 Hotel Hacks When Traveling With Kids
There’s Just One Mommy made this awesome post called How to Survive a Hotel Stay With Kids
For a lot of people even just flying in general is nerve racking and overwhelming. Flying with kids can be so much worse. Take some tips from the pros:
My Life Sucker’s wrote this hilariously awesome post with tons of tips: Flying with Young Kids: 22 Tips to Keep You from (Totally) Losing Your Mind
An Epic Education has basically everything you need to know in their post Our Top 30 Tips for Flying with Kids – Before, During, After the Flight with Children
The entertainment section above can help out with ideas on what to do in the car but what about where to stop? What to see? How to not get food all over your car?
How about One Thing You MUST Do with Kids in Every U.S. State from Kidventurous
Some Road Trip Hacks for Kids by Princess Pinky Girl
Misc. Travel Tips
I love Amber from BarefootBlonde. Love her. I follow her on instagram and love all the places she takes her young kids. She’s a seasoned pro at the traveling with kids game and she wrote an awesome post called
10 Things to do Before The Flight to Make Traveling With Kids More Enjoyable
Travling Internationally? Nothing If Not Intentional has a post for you: Get the Passports Ready! 14 Things To Know About International Travel with Kids
I hope this collection of posts was able to help you out a little bit. I’ll definitely be bookmarking more as I come across them and will make an updated post in the future.
Don’t forget to check out my previous posts and come back soon to see what’s next!
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