As with every year, I want 2019 to be a year of learning new things and bettering myself. Some things I’ve been doing for a while or learned a long time ago but haven’t kept up with. Some things I’ve never done before but would like to learn.

1. Hand Lettering
I have tried hand lettering many times since high school but I’ve never been very good at it. I have multiple Pinterest boards dedicated to it, I have a hand lettering workbook, and I have markers to use. I just need to practice
2. Photography
I’ve actually been into photography my entire life. I used to beg to use my dad’s cameras but he didn’t really like me to. Once I got my own camera, a little point and shoot, I started taking pictures all the time. Now I’ve had a few cameras and my pride and joy is my Canon 5D Mark III. Every time I use it I get so happy because it’s such a great camera. I love a lot of the pictures that I take but I want to get better. I’d like to start doing creative shoots and taking on some clients in 2019. Also, want to take some classes.
3. Cake Decorating
4. Painting Nails (Mani/Pedi)
I’ve always been pretty horrible at painting my nails. They’re messy and usually at least one nail is lumpy. They just don’t look good if you get anywhere near them. a couple of years ago I challenged myself to paint my nails every week and I was definitely improving but soon realized that having painted nails and working in a warehouse just doesn’t work very well. I still work in that warehouse but I want to try the challenge again to get some practice.

5. Youtube?!
I had this idea about a week ago to start making youtube videos. I’ve actually wanted to do it forever but never have. I’ll be vlogging my trip to Disneyland and 4CC this coming weekend with my friends and we’ll see how it goes. Fingers crossed. My goals with this are to get more comfortable and LESS AWKWARD in front of the camera, gain some self confidence, capture some memories(I’m basically the most sentimental/nostalgic person alive), and hopefully eventually make some money as well.
Do you have any new skills you’re working on? Skills you’re trying to improve? I’d love to hear about them in the comments π
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