My 2022 Goals!

Happy New Year!

They say sharing your goals is one of the best ways to hold yourself accountable, so I’m here to share my goals for 2022!

First of all, HOW is it already 2022?! I swear 2019 was literally last week, not 3 years ago. The last couple of years have been such a weird whirlwind of a time with the pandemic and everything. I’m sure it’s something we’ll never forget, but can we now go back to precedented times?? Living through history is much more fun in theory!

Okay on to my goals:

1. Try to post one blog post per week

If you’ve ever scrolled through my blog before you’ll know that this is going to be a tough one for me. I tend to get writer’s block very easily and don’t know what to post ever. I’m going to try for more life update stuff this year so fingers crossed! I have a few things happening that I know will be good to post about so I’ll have to remember to get those up!

2. Get at least 10,000 steps per day

I used to be SO good at this but have severely struggled the last couple of years. Somedays I’ll get 12,000 but most days it’s closer to 7,000. I’m still wearing my Fitbit (I have a Versa) every day so we’ll see!

3. Eat in Moderation

Does anyone else severely struggle with portion sizes? I have zero self-control and will stuff myself sick. My goal is to eat things in moderation instead of full force attacking every meal.

4. Read at least one chapter per day

I was an absolutely voracious reader growing up. Like check out five 300-400 page chapter books at the library and return them for five more every week. Now I struggle to get 1 a month most of the time. I’m setting a goal to read at least 2 chapters per day. I have an absolutely monstrous to-read list so I need to get going! If you’d like to follow along with what I’m reading you can find my Goodreads profile right here!

I’m going to stick with just 4 goals for now because little ol’ me is easily overwhelmed. Please comment below and tell me your goals! We’re in this together and I want to cheer you on!


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