For some reason that I will never understand YA (Young Adult) books and series get a lot of hate. Like, a ridiculous amount of hate. The only thing I can think of is that adults or people who think they’re more mature than everyone else just feel some horrible force that makes them talk crap about everything they think is below them. Spoiler Alert: It does not make you better than anyone else to talk crap to them about the things they like.
We all know the super popular YA series e.g. Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner. I love those books. I really do. People can hate on Twilight all they want but I’m still going to love it.
But I also love a lot of other series that I’ve read that also fit into the YA category. If you’re looking for something to read and haven’t tried these series yet I suggest you give them a chance 🙂

The Revenants Series By Amy Plum
I randomly found this series at the library a few years ago and decided to try it. You know when you aren’t sure if you’ll like a series so you think you should only get one book and then you’re like “Well what if I love it and then I only have the first book?!” I only got one book. And then I read it straight through. And then I hated myself for only getting the first book.
Also, this book ~kind of~ reminded me of Twilight when I read it. Except it’s set in Paris. And they aren’t vampires.
Goodreads link – Amazon link– Barnes and Noble

Three Dark Crowns By Kendare Blake
Three Dark Crowns is a series I found when I was active on my bookstagram account. I should really try to get back into that because I found so many good recs from that amazing community! The reviews on this series were super mixed so I wasn’t sure what I would think of it but I gave it a shot anyway because I got the first book on sale and I actually really liked it. I still need to read the third book but the first two were really good.
Edit: And now it looks like there is also a fourth book! Guess I need to read that one too.
Goodreads – Amazon – Barnes and Noble

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
This is another series that I had heard about constantly. I knew it was popular but had no idea what it was really about when I found it on the shelf at my library and decided to give it a shot. These books are SO GOOD. I just couldn’t get enough and read right through the first two then started the third book ASAP. The third book seemed to last forever to me and a friend agreed when I mentioned it to her so a small warning there. Also, the 4th book is more of a novella and listed as book #3.1 on Goodreads. I’ll also warn you that after book 1 things get more adult so they may not be the best books for younger teens.
Goodreads – Amazon – Barnes and Noble

The Selection by Kiera Cass
Not going to lie, the gorgeous covers on these books are what originally caught my eye. I’m a major girly girl and lover of pretty dresses so I couldn’t look away. These books also have some great reviews on goodreads so I decided to try them out and I am SO glad I did. This series is a future fairytale, kind of The Bachelor on steroids you could say. I don’t actually watch The Bachelor, but I’m still assuming this is better.
Goodreads – Amazon – Barnes and Noble

The Wolves of Mery Falls by Maggie Stiefvater
I found this series at the library a few years ago and once again, had no idea what it was about. I knew I had seen it on Goodreads and on some bookstagram accounts but had never read any reviews or a summary. Well, once again I was pleasantly surprised and ended up absolutely loving this series. At the time I was kind of avoiding werewolves and all that jazz because I was jaded and thought it was overdone and blah blah blah. And then I picked up these books and surprise, they are about werewolves. But jokes on me because I fell in love with them super fast. I haven’t read the 4th book yet but since it’s not about the same two characters as the other three I’m not that concerned.
Goodreads – Amazon – Barnes and Noble
Happy reading!
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