Can you believe it’s already March?! January was the slowest month ever and February just FLEW by. I haven’t posted in a while… I’ve wanted to a million times but just… didn’t? Does anyone else get anxiety about posting when they haven’t for a while? I was kind of avoiding it because I was scared to look. I’m well aware that it makes zero sense.
I just wanted to come on and post a little recap of my February!

- I went on my first date in over a year(I’ve literally planned multiple dates with guys and they’ve all bailed the day of🙄). We played Croquet Mini Golf and then went to this ice cream place that I had never heard of. The mocha ice cream was 10/10 for sure. We spent about 3 hours together and had a good time but I got a text from him the next day saying he didn’t think we should go out again. So he’s not the one.
- My family went down to southern Utah for the weekend to hang out with my cousins and do the St. George Parade of Homes. We didn’t get to as many houses as we have in previous years but it was still fun to walk through the ones we did.
- It finally started to warm up a bit and I got Lucy Lu out for more walks. It’s been so icy and miserable that she hasn’t gone out much lately other than playing in the backyard. She also got a new harness recently because her old one got too tight and BLESS that front clip option because baby girl is a PULLER. We ran into one of our neighbors while we were walking the other day and she was like “She is so good on a leash!” 😂 I just told her that I’ve spent a lot of time working on it. I really have, but that front clip has helped more than anything else.
- Evening walk with Lucy and my niece a few days ago. I can’t wait to be a mama😭. Side note: This is a City Select stroller and we ♥ it. I’ve bought and sold about 5 of these in the last year for a profit but decided to hold onto this one until she grows out of it at least. The first time I took her for a walk in a City Select was last summer and she fell asleep less than halfway through our two-mile walk and slept for ages after we got home. She’s been obsessed with it ever since. Every time she comes over she asks to go for a ride in her stroller.
So that’s a few things that happened in my life in February. Mostly at the end of the month. I could probably add a few more things to this list (like the fact that I FINALLY got my two-foot turns for my ice skating lessons) but it’s 11:30 PM and I still have to shower. And get up for work tomorrow. Which reminds me that I never mentioned that I got a new job… I’m working 3 days a week doing customer service… That’s basically the update. I have credit cards to pay off from my travels😂