My Sheltie Lucy is 8 months old now and I thought I’d get on here and make a post about her favorite toys!
My last dog wasn’t really into toys so having Lucy be OBSESSED with them is a bit of a change😂 When we first got Lucy back in June she only had about 3 toys. Since then they have multiplied. A lot. Lucy’s toy basket is pretty darn full at this point but she has a few friends that she absolutely loves more than the others.
Soccer Ball
Lucy girl loves chasing her soccer ball(and eating it😒) She has loved it since we brought her home and will chase it forever if you let her. Grab one at any sporting goods store, Walmart, Target, or amazon

Back in the summer I was looking to add some more variety to Lucy’s outdoor toys. She loves her soccer ball but I wanted something else for her to chase. Something that would be easier to retrieve. Enter, the frisbee.
I found this frisbee on Amazon and we LOVE it! It’s less than $8, super well made(Sharp puppy teeth didn’t hurt it at all!), and flies great!

Tennis Balls
I got Lucy these small squeaky balls at Petsmart back when we first got her and they are still so fun for her. Back then regular sized tennis balls would have never fit in her mouth and these were

“Ugly Skunk”
Lucy’s other most favorite toy is a green skunk she got from a Barkbox a few months ago. We call it Ugly Skunk because it’s absolutely hideous but she loves it to death. I tried to link it but It looks like it is no longer available in the BarkShop.

What are your pups favorite toys? Let me know!
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